Hand Sinks – crown-verity

Hand sinks are standard and necessary equipment for sanitation and hygiene reasons in all commercial kitchens across Canada. This is true whether you’re running a restaurant, a healthcare institution, or any other commercial kitchen where food is being prepared. You want everyone's hands to be clean as can be when working with food products, especially stuff like raw meat.

These products are usually quite small when compared with other commercial-quality sinks as they are specifically designed for washing hands only opposed to a large multi-compartment and multi-purpose sink which could be used for washing, rinsing, and sanitizing dishes all in one unit. iFoodEquipment sells standard ones, wall-mounted varieties, and we even have hand sinks that come on pedestals. Some options come with pre-installed handles / valves and spouts, but some don't.

One special feature that some sinks have is a hands-free pedal that can be activated with a knee or foot. The reason for this is so you don't have to touch the faucet with your hands and can therefore reduce the risk of cross-contamination as well as the further spread of bacteria and germs. Having splash guards on either side of sink basins is sometimes required if the sink will be near food, obviously no one wants hand-water splashing into food! You may also need splash guards if your sink is going to be near a doorway to prevent anyone from slipping or having an accident due to spilled water.

If you’re not sure which hand sink is best for your particular establishment, please give us a call at 1-855-388-5999 or send us an email; we’d love to help you out.
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