Frozen Beverage Machines – dairy

These machines can make large quantities of any "slush" type drinks: frozen margaritas, daiquiris, frozen lemonade, fruit smoothies, and more. Many of these machines also do dairy, so if you want to serve yogurt smoothies or milkshakes, keep an eye out for that feature!

You have the option of a countertop or floor model depending on the size and layout of your business, and we carry single and two-flavour machines. Different models have different capacities per hour, so which one you choose will depend on how many servings you expect to dole out per hour. Depending on the control design of each machine, some will be well suited for self-serve while others will do better behind the counter, as they have more settings that you wouldn't want customers fiddling with.

We try to find a balance between price and quality with all of our products. We've curated a group of items that you can trust are good commercial quality, but at the same time aren't going to be super expensive. Our experienced sales team has hand-picked these items because we've seen over the years that our customers have been pleased with them, so we hope that you'll have a similar experience with the quality. That being said, picking equipment can be a daunting task. If you have any questions or would like some guidance, don't hesitate to contact us so we can help you make a choice. Our expert staff are friendly and eager to walk you through which models might be right for your unique operation.
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