Commercial Crepe Makers – waring

What's a crepe? It's a thin, unleavened pancake that is popular in France and now, around the world. What's the best way to make them? Commercial crepe makers are an easy way, if not the best, to perfect your crepe-making skills. They have smooth, cast iron tops to cook the crepes on a flat surface so the batter can spread out evenly and smoothly.

These appliances have circular, or sometimes oval-shaped, cooking surfaces so you can easily spread out your batter and cook a perfectly round final product. Consistent and even heat distribution from the element is key to cooking the whole crepe without the centre getting burnt or too dark. Flipping technique and proper timing are critical too, they come with practice.

You'll want to make sure that crepes don't stick to the cooktop, make sure to read the appliance's instructions to learn what works best to keep this from happening. Several of these crepe makers come with accessories like spatulas and batter spreaders to assist with cooking.

If you're not sure which commercial crepe makers would be best for you and your staff, please feel free to give us a call at 1-855-388-5999 or send us a message and we'll gladly help you out!
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